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REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung
  • How can we help?

    Do you need information about a specific matter? Do you have a question about waste-to-energy plants or about our company? Then why not contact us?!

    REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH
    Butterwecker Weg 6
    39418 Staßfurt
    F +49 3925 3209120

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    How would you like us to contact you?

    The personal information provided by you will only be used by us to contact you. This data shall in particular not be published. For further information please read our Privacy & Cookies page

    Opening hours & delivery hours

    The waste-to-energy plant owned by REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH is run 24/7. Deliveries are accepted at the following times:

    Mondays - Fridays: 6am – 10pm
    Saturdays: deliveries must be arranged in advance and are accepted between 6am and 2pm
    Sundays / public holidays: waste is not accepted on Sundays or public holidays

    How to find us

    Directions for delivery trucks
    Please use the bypass when travelling to or from our plant (ring road for commercial traffic / blue signs)

    • From the A14 motorway – Calbe exit

      • Leave the motorway at the Calbe exit and head in the direction of Förderstedt. On reaching Förderstedt, turn left and head towards Staßfurt. Once in Staßfurt, turn right into Thomas-Müntzer-Straße in the direction of the 'Gewerbegebiet Nord' (northern industrial park). At the end of Thomas-Müntzer-Straße, turn right into Butterwecker Weg. Follow the Butterwecker Weg around the landfill until you reach REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH.

      From the A14 motorway – Staßfurt exit

      • Leave the motorway and head in the direction of Staßfurt. Once in Staßfurt, turn right into the road, "An der Salzrinne". Following the "Gewerbering" signs, turn right into Löbnitzer Weg and then right again into Calbesche Straße. Turn left into "Am Steinbruch" and then left into Förderstedter Straße before taking an immediate right turn into Thomas-Müntzer-Straße. At the end of Thomas-Müntzer-Straße, turn right into Butterwecker Weg. Follow the Butterwecker Weg around the landfill until you reach REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH.

      From the A36

      • Leave the A36 and head in the direction of Staßfurt. Once in Staßfurt, turn right at the roundabout into Hecklinger Straße, then right again into Güstener Straße, before turning left into Bernburger Straße. Continue down the road until the next roundabout. Take the left turning off the roundabout into "An der Salzrinne". Cross straight over the next set of traffic lights. Following the "Gewerbering" signs, turn right into Löbnitzer Weg and then right again into Calbesche Straße. Turn left into "Am Steinbruch" and then left into Förderstedter Straße before taking an immediate right turn into Thomas-Müntzer-Straße. At the end of Thomas-Müntzer-Straße, turn right into Butterwecker Weg. Follow the Butterwecker Weg around the landfill until you reach REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH.

      From the B81

      • Head in the direction of Staßfurt. After driving through Neustaßfurt, take the third exit off the next roundabout into Butterwecker Weg. Follow the road for approx. 100m to reach REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH on your right.

    Directions for visitors

    • From the A14 motorway – Calbe exit

      • Leave the motorway at the Calbe exit and head in the direction of Förderstedt. On reaching Förderstedt, turn left and head towards Staßfurt. Once in Staßfurt, turn right into Thomas-Müntzer-Straße in the direction of the 'Gewerbegebiet Nord' (northern industrial park). At the end of Thomas-Müntzer-Straße, turn right into Butterwecker Weg. Follow the Butterwecker Weg around the landfill until you reach REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH.

      From the A14 motorway – Staßfurt exit

      • Leave the motorway and head in the direction of Staßfurt. Once in Staßfurt, turn right into the road, "An der Salzrinne". Turn right at the second set of traffic lights into Athenslebener Weg and then follow the road to the next roundabout. Take the first exit off the roundabout. Follow the road for approx. 100m to reach REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH's premises.

      From the A36

      • Take the exit to Staßfurt, drive through Neundorf and then take the 3rd exit off the 1st roundabout you reach in Staßfurt. Take the 1st exit off the 2nd roundabout and then the 2nd exit off the 3rd roundabout. Cross over the small river Bode. Follow the road round to the right but move into the left hand lane (one way street). Turn left at the next set of traffic lights, move into the right hand lane and then turn right at the next set of traffic lights into Athenslebener Weg. At the end of this road, take the 1st exit off the roundabout and then follow the road for approx. 100m to reach REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH's premises.

REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH
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  • Contact

    REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH
    Butterwecker Weg 6
    39418 Staßfurt
    F +49 3925 3209120

© 2025 REMONDIS SE & Co. KG