REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH is a subsidiary of REMONDIS SE & Co. KG. You can find a whole range of information about our plant and the REMONDIS group in our library – from our brochures all the way through to our certificates.
Download our plant regulations, positive list, conditions for accepting waste and our safety regulations as a PDF document here.
We attach great importance to quality assurance at our plant. Both our quality management system and our accreditation as a 'Specialised Waste Management Company' confirm the transparency of our work, our company organisation and our documentation processes and underline the reliability of our business as well as the expertise and know-how of our staff.
We have reached a significant milestone: successful validation according to EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme). By integrating the EMAS system into the existing management system, we were able to optimize numerous processes and at the same time significantly improve our environmental performance. The successful validation confirms that REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH meets the strict requirements of the EMAS regulations and plays a pioneering role in the industry. The company remains true to its responsibility towards the environment and is thus sending a clear signal for a sustainable future.
You can find our environmental statement here: