REMONDIS Thermische Abfallverwertung GmbH generates electricity and steam from waste. The electricity produced is fed into the grid and used to cover the plant's own requirements. In addition, steam is supplied to the neighbouring soda works as process steam. By combining heat and power, the plant makes the very most of the energy contained in the waste.
The design of our plant was very much influenced by the local conditions. This waste-to-energy plant is able to replace a power station run on natural gas, crude oil or coal with the same heat output. Moreover, by supplying the soda works with steam, the plant helps to conserve our planet's natural resources and cut carbon emissions. more
Up to 380,000t of waste can be transformed into energy at our waste-to-energy plant every year. Wastes with a calorific value of 8,000 - 15,000 kJ/kg are used to produce steam and electricity. The plant has two incineration lines, each with a heat output of 55.6 MW. more